We’re very excited to announce our very first crowdfunding campaign through the OSU foundation! The OSL relies on donations and revenue generating projects to fund its work and its students--the number of students we can hire and train is dependent on the donations we receive.
Help us fund five additional students for the coming year, including wages, professional mentoring, and the opportunity to attend a major open source conference, such as SCALE or OSCON.
Become part of our rich community of engaged learners and next generation open source leaders. Your donations will give our students the chance at life- changing experiences and opportunities and ultimately help expand the pipeline of graduates with DevOps and open source software experience.
Please visit our crowdfunding page for more information and to watch our progress. If you would like to become a regular donor for the OSL, please contact us at donations@osuosl.org.
Also, for regular updates on this project and many others, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
OSU Open Source Lab
224 Milne Computer Center
1800 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
Phone: 541-737-9900