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OSU Open Source Lab

Highlights From Beaver Barcamp 8

by OSUOSL Admin on Mon, Oct 31 2011

Beaver BarCamp 8 Quick Facts:

  • Number of T-Shirts Ordered: 100
  • Number of Raffle Tickets Distributed: 136
  • OSL Mugs Raffled Off: 6
  • Happy Recipients of Kindle Fire Door Prize: 1
  • Hero Sandwiches Consumed: 42' of Tasty
  • Awesome Sponsors: Mozilla, SAO Corvallis and Thumb Arcade
  • Cool Factor: 11

The Oregon State University community shared its talents, knowledge and ideas this past Saturday, October 29th, in the Kelley Engineering Center during Beaver BarCamp 8 (BBC 8), an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees.

BBC 8 Schedule Grid and Registration Desk Staffed by Our Own Stalwart Project Manager, Greg Lund-Chaix

More than 130 people met for the second and final Corvallis BarCamp of the year, hosted by the OSU Open Source Lab. There were sessions for many tastes at BBC 8.

The OSL’s Lead Systems Administrator/Architect, Lance Albertson, hosted a talk about Ganeti and what people should know about its virtualization capabilities. Corbin Simpson, a veteran OSL student developer, let his nerd flag fly free with his own session, “Corbin Code: how to improve code maintainability.”

BBC 8's flagship sponsor Mozilla launched the day with a web security workshop. Andy Rosic, CEO of Portland, ORE., based Thumb Arcade, treated attendees to a speed hackathon touching on Geo, Mobile and Augmented Reality.

Mozilla's Michael Coates, Julie Deroche and Ben Kero Talk Shop with Student Attendees

Some attendees took a different route by hosting non-technical sessions, including “Cheap Home Brewing” and “Planning and Cooking for Yourself to Save Money.” A good and delicious time was had by all.

Attendees and those unable to come to BBC 8 were able to follow along on Twitter: @Beaverbarcamp. You can still check out updates from the unconference using hashtags #beaverbarcamp and #bbc8. If you are interested in attending future Beaver BarCamps, remember to sign up for the event mailing list or join our Facebook group.

Our Very Own Student Developer, Emily Dunham, Models BBC8's Custom Swag

Many thanks to all of our attendees for a fabulous BBC 8! Most of all, thanks to our generous sponsors, especially Mozilla, for their support of the event. We could not have made the day possible without your support!

We'll see you at BBC 9 in spring 2012!