
IBM Z CI Request Form
Center for Applied Systems & Software >> OSU Open Source Lab

IBM Z CI Request Form

Please use the form below to request new access to the IBM Z CI service provided by the OSUOSL.

For any changes, updates, or issues with an existing project please send the specific request as an email to “”> and include the original project name in the subject line and the names of the Jenkins jobs that have the issue in the message body.

This access is intended only for free and open source projects who qualify and are approved by both the OSUOSL and IBM. For proprietary sourced projects or products please use other POWER resources which can be found here. The IBM Z CI service uses Docker to deploy Jenkins workers.

For more resources regarding Linux on IBM Z, take a look at IBM’s Linux on IBM Z community.

Name of the open source project or education institution this request will be supporting.
Primary website URL for the open source project or education institution.
How many estimated users do you have in your community?
Please describe in detail the mission and purpose of this request in regards to how the IBM Z architecture will support your project. Also describe the general mission of your project.
What types of activity will the machine be used for? (i.e. compile builds, performance testing, architecture troubleshooting, etc).
How long do you expect you will need these resources? Ongoing or indefinitely are also acceptable answers.
Normal turnaround for access is typically 7 business days. If you need it sooner than that, please choose which time frame you need. We will do our best to accommodate your request.
Is there anything additional you would like to provide for your request?

IBM Z CI Access Question(s)

Some platforms may not be supported on a specific architecture, so please check with us first.
We use GitHub OAuth to authenticate into the CI system. Please provide a comma separated list of GitHub username(s) to gain access.

You should receive an automated email from our request ticketing system to the email address you have provided within 5-10 minutes. If you don't receive this email please reach out to us at or via IRC in #osuosl on Libera Chat.