
Formerly Hosted Projects
Center for Applied Systems & Software >> OSU Open Source Lab

Formerly Hosted Projects

Below are a list of projects formerly hosted on the OpenPOWER infrastructure at the OSL.

Former Foss Projects

Former Academic Partners

Former FOSS Projects

Former FOSS Projects (43 projects)
AbebeosProvide Barrier-Free Power PC OSS-Development
AkariTesting framework for porting and optimizing x86 SIMD library to OpenPOWER systems
Alberta SpeculationInvestigate multi-threaded speculation of alternative paths of execution in a sequential execution
BearSSLAn SSL/TLS library, with a focus on a clean, secure implementation of protocol, up-to-date with the latest research; POWER8 systems writes specific implementations of AES/GCM and other cryptographic algorithms that leverage the specific opcodes offered by the CPU, for better performance
BloscPowerPC testing for Blosc, a high performance compressor optmized for binary data
CentOSProvided support and testing for alpha testing of CentOS Linux distribution on POWER architecture
Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging of human brainDrive diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI) for clinical applications and large scale trials for a diffusion MRI modality which can increase the magnetic resonance imaging specificity for neurodegeneration diseases
dlibA modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools for creating complex software in C++ to solve real world problems. The projects ran tests and benchmarked PowerPC8 VSX optimizations.
Drupal TestbotsPowered the testing and review of code contribution for Drupal 8 (
Elephant ShedProvides ppc64le build and performance testing for Elephant Shed, a bundle of PostgreSQL tools and web UI for easy administration of PostgreSQL servers
EQueuean efficient lock-free queue for pipeline parallelism on multi-core architectures
GCC/ClangContributes to improved support of GCC and Clang projects on POWER machines by working on IBM Linux Technology Center items on
GCCContributed to improving support of various open source projects in the GCC family on POWER machines; began by tackling IBM Linux Technology Center items on
gdbWorked on adding `fast tracepoint support`_ for ppc/ppc64/ppc64le
Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK)A software package for analysis of high-throughput sequencing data with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping as well as strong emphasis on data quality assurance, hosted on POWER architecture to run faster
Ginga MiddlewareISDB middleware for interactive DTV. Supports project in porting to POWER8
GLIBCGNU C Library: GNU project's implementation of the C standard library; supported the development and testing on the POWER platform
GMPEntailed the compilation of gmp-6.1.0 (from and measurement of its performance with gmpbench-0.2 on the POWER platform
ICUThe International Components for Unicode project runs their build machines on a OSL hosted POWER VM
JellyfishA fast multi-threaded k-mer counter. POWER infrastructure is being used to compile builds, performance testing, architecture troubleshooting
juju-charmsAdds ppc64el support to appliance image for building/interfacing with juju, the juju charm store, and assembling charms
JXcore on PPCSupports the platforms that the mainstream node.js does not; IBM has a PPC version of V8; Besides V8, JXcore also implements SpiderMonkey engine; project involved providing stable PPC releases on each version of Node.JS / JXcore
LAPACKThe Numerical Linear Algebra package project tests builds on IBM architecture and with IBM compiler and also uses it to fix bugs with IBM xlf
libpoda library for applications looking to use the Container Pod concept, popularized by Kubernetes
Linux KernelAllows maintainer of Linux kernel features to test on ppc64le
MulticoreWare x265Use GCC PowerPC altivec instructions to optimize the x265 open source HEVC implemenation
MySQLInvolved testing on POWER8, provide fixes to platform specific bugs and make more stable on POWER8
NettleA cryptographic library that is designed to fit easily in more or less any context
NokogiriProvide support on RHEL 7.1 LE & Ubuntu 14.04 on ppc64le arch
ONNXOpen Neural Network Exchange, ONNX provides an open source format for AI models, both deep learning and traditional ML
OpenFaaSMaking Serverless Functions Simple
OpenlibmProvided hosting to support the development on the POWER platform of a high quality, portable, standalone C mathematical library (libm), used by the `Julia project`_
OpenShift OriginUsed POWER infrastructure to demo OpenShift Origin clusters at KubeCon 2017
OpenWhiskSupports building ppc64le Docker images for OpenWhisk, a programming service that provides event based execution of functions
oVirtAdded support for POWER hosts for a virtual machine manager
pgSphereProvides ppc64le builds for pgSphere, a PostgreSQL extension for spherical geometry
qiskit-sdk-pyPython tools for running quantum information experiments
SHA-3Ensures support and viability of Secure Hash Algorithm 3 on POWER, including POWER8 specific optimizations
SquashA plugin-based abstraction library for general purpose data compression algorithms which provides a common API for a large number of compression libraries, allowing people to easily test multiple codecs to see which works best, or pass along the choice to their users; it involved development and testing on the POWER platform and adding support for the big-endian architecture
Tobin's Linux kernelSupports a volunteer developer's efforts to test the Linux kernel on POWER
VSXSIMDSIMD Optimization Bountys
X265 HEVC EncoderExplores POWER8-specific optimizations for x265 including, but not restricted to, assembly optimizations and thread-related optimizations
ZarafaSupports project specific porting efforts of POWER8 ppc64/ppc64le

Former Academic Partners

Former Academic Partners (2 projects)
Oregon State UniversityThe goal of this project is to apply mutation testing technique on RCU module of Linux Kernel. They run RCUtorture on Linux kernel for extended period of time and also step-wise increase the testing time on POWER platform.
University of Alberta and Universidade de CampinasThe goal is to investigate the use of the speculation support in POWER8 for the speeding up the sequential execution of programs. Single-threaded speculation has been used in the past, through trace-based compilation. The goal of this project is to investigate multi-threaded speculation of alternative paths of execution in a sequential execution. This is a joint project between University of Alberta -(UofA) and Universidade de Campinas (Unicamp).