
Center for Applied Systems & Software >> OSU Open Source Lab


The Open Source Lab (OSUOSL) and Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing (CGRB) partner with IBM and OpenPOWER in order to provide a download resources around Open-CE. Open-CE is a community driven software distribution for machine learning that runs on standard Linux platforms with NVIDIA GPU technologies. Questions and general discussions involving OSU’s builds can be directed to the Open-CE Slack channel:

Open-CE Release 1.11.2

This is release 1.11.2 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE)

Build Status:

CPU ArchBuild BasePy3.10Py3.11CPU-onlyCUDA 11.8CUDA 12.2Date
ppc64le(P10)UBI 9DONEDONEDONEN/AN/A08/20/2024

What’s new

  • Updated packages

    • langchain 0.1.13
    • langchain-community 0.0.29
    • langchain-core 0.1.35
    • langchain-text-splitters 0.0.2
    • langsmith 0.1.19
    • libmamba 1.5.7
    • libmambapy 1.5.7
    • libopenblas 0.3.26
    • libopenblas-static 0.3.26
    • mamba 1.5.7
    • onnx 1.16.0
    • openblas[-devel] 0.3.27
    • orjson 3.9.15
    • safetensors 0.4.1
    • transformers 4.38.0
    • werkzeug 3.0.3
  • This release of Open-CE supports:

    • NVIDIA’s CUDA version 11.8, 12.2
    • Python 3.10, 3.11
  • Important Notes:

Learn more

Get information about planning, configuring, and managing Open-CE 1.9 Below:


We recommend users use one of the listed operating systems listed below. This is a standard conda repository and can be added to any conda install. Conda must be configured to give priority to installing packages from this channel.

System setup

Open-CE can be installed and run directly on a bare-metal RHEL and Ubuntu based systems.

Supported hardware:

  • IBM Power System IC922 with NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPUs
  • IBM Power System AC922 with NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs
  • x86_64 systems with NVIDIA Tesla V100 or P100 GPUs

Supported operating systems:

  • ppc64le

    • Community Enterprise Operating System (CentOS) 8.1-6
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux for POWER LE 8.1-6
    • Rocky / Alma Linux 8.1-6
    • Ubuntu 20.04.1
  • x86

    • Community Enterprise Operating System (CentOS) 7.8, 8.x
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux for POWER LE 7.8, 8.1-6, 9.0
    • Rocky / Alma Linux 8.1-6, 9.0
    • Ubuntu 20.04.1-4, 22.04.x

Note: We (CQLS & OSL) have dropped support of RHEL/CentOS 7, as we have transitioned most systems away before the EOS date.

Required 3rd party software:

  • NVIDIA GPU driver 520.61.05
  • CUDA version 11.8

Installing the Open-CE Repository and Frameworks

Setting up the software repository

The Open-CE MLDL packages are distributed as conda packages in an online conda repository. Conda must be configured to give priority to installing packages from this channel.

Add the Open-CE channel to the conda configuration by running the following command:

conda config --prepend channels

With conda, you can create environments that have different versions of Python or packages installed in them. Conda environments are optional but recommended. If not used, packages are installed in the default environment called base, which often has a higher risk of containing conflicting packages or dependencies. Switching between environments is called activating the environment.

The syntax to create and activate a conda environment is:

conda create --name <environment name> python=<python version>
conda activate <environment name>

Note: It is recommended that you specify the Python version when creating a new environment. If you do not specify the version, Python 3.7 is installed when any package that requires Python are installed.

The only valid Python versions with Open-CE 1.9 are Python 3.9 and 3.10.

For example, to create an environment named opence_env with Python 3.9:

conda create --name opence_env python=3.9
0conda activate opence_env

For more information on what you can do with conda environment see

Note: Open-CE should be run as a non-privileged user and not root. The Open-CE components are designed to be usable by normal users, and the pre-installed docker images provide a non-root user by default. Some of the Open-CE components will give warnings or will fail when run as root.

Installing frameworks individually

You can install the MLDL frameworks individually. The framework packages include the following versions.

Table 1. Framework packages (Open-CE 1.9.1)

_pytorch_select2Package used to select the specific PyTorch build variant
_tensorflow_select2Package used to select the specific Tensorflow build variant
absl-py2.0.0This repository is a collection of Python library code for building…
aioredis2.0.1asyncio (PEP 3156) Redis supportX
aiorwlock1.3.0Read write lock for asyncio.X
apache-beam2.53.0Apache Beam: An advanced unified programming model
array-record0.2.0A new file format derived from Riegeli
arrow-cpp15.0.1C++ libraries for Apache Arrow
arrow-cpp-proc15.0.1A meta-package to select Arrow build variant
arviz0.14.0Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models with PythonX
av10.0.0Pythonic bindings for FFmpeg.
backoff2.2.1Function decoration for backoff and retryX
bazel6.1.0build system originally authored by Google
bazel-toolchain0.1.5Helper script to generate a crosscompile toolchain for Bazel with the…
black23.10.0The uncompromising code formatter.
blessed1.19.1Easy, practical library for making terminal apps, by providing an…X
boost_mp111.76.0C++11 metaprogramming library
bsddb36.2.9Python bindings for Oracle Berkeley DB
cfitsio3.47A library for reading and writing FITS files
cli112.2.0CLI11 is a command line parser for C++11 and beyond that provides a…
cmake3.26.4CMake is an extensible, open-source system that manages the build process
cmdstan2.33.1CmdStan, the command line interface to Stan
cmdstanpy1.2.0CmdStanPy is a lightweight interface to Stan for Python users which…X
coin-or-cbc2.10.7COIN-OR branch and cut (Cbc)
coin-or-cgl0.60.6COIN-OR Cut Generation Library (Cgl)
coin-or-clp1.17.7COIN-OR linear programming (Clp)
coin-or-osi0.108.7Coin OR Open Solver Interface (OSI)
coin-or-utils2.11.6COIN-OR Utilities (CoinUtils)
coincbc2.10.7COIN-OR branch and cut (Cbc)X
crcmod1.7CRC Generator
cudatoolkit12.2.0CUDA Toolkit - Including CUDA runtime
cudatoolkit-dev12.2.0Develop, Optimize and Deploy GPU-accelerated Apps
cudnn8.9.6_12.2The NVIDIA CUDA Deep Neural Network library. A GPU-accelerated library…
dali1.32.0A library containing both highly optimized building blocks and an…
dali-ffmpeg5.1.1Cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.
dali-tf-plugin1.32.0A library containing both highly optimized building blocks and an…
datasets2.16.1HuggingFace/Datasets is an open library of NLP datasets.X
dateutils0.6.12Various utilities for working with date and datetime objectsX
deepdiff5.8.1Deep Difference and Search of any Python object/data.X
deepspeed0.11.1DeepSpeed Library: An easy-to-use deep learning optimization software suite.
dm-tree0.1.8A library for working with nested data structures.
eigen3.4.0C++ template library for linear algebra
etils1.0.0Collection of eclectic utils for python.X
fastapi0.92.0FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready…X
ffmpeg4.2.2Cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.
fire0.4.0Python Fire is a library for creating command line interfaces (CLIs)…X
flatbuffers23.1.21Memory Efficient Serialization Library
fsspec2023.10.0A specification for pythonic filesystemsX
gmock1.13.0Google’s C++ test framework
googledrivedownloader0.4Minimal class to download shared files from Google Drive.X
grpc-cpp1.54.3gRPC - A high-performance, open-source universal RPC framework
grpcio1.54.3HTTP/2-based RPC framework
gtest1.13.0Google’s C++ test framework
hatch-fancy-pypi-readme23.1.0Fancy PyPI READMEs with HatchX
hjson-py3.1.0Hjson, a user interface for JSON.X
holidays0.27Generate and work with holidays in PythonX
horovod0.28.1Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
httplib20.19.1A comprehensive HTTP client libraryX
huggingface_hub0.20.0Client library to download and publish models on the hubX
inquirer2.10.1Collection of common interactive command line user interfaces, based on…X
java-11-openjdk-cos7-ppc64le11.0.6.10(CDT) OpenJDK Runtime EnvironmentX
java-11-openjdk-devel-cos7-ppc64le11.0.6.10(CDT) OpenJDK Development ToolkitX
java-11-openjdk-headless-cos7-ppc64le11.0.6.10(CDT) The OpenJDK runtime environment without audio and video supportX
jax0.4.23Differentiate, compile, and transform Numpy code
jaxlib0.4.23Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate,…
joblib1.3.2Lightweight pipelining: using Python functions as pipeline jobs.X
jpeg-turbo2.1.4IJG JPEG compliant runtime library with SIMD and other optimizations
jsonpatch1.33Apply JSON-Patches (RFC 6902)X
keras2.14.0Deep Learning for Python
langchain0.1.13Building applications with LLMs through composabilityX
langchain-community0.0.29Community contributed LangChain integrations.X
langchain-core0.1.35Core APIs for LangChain, the LLM framework for buildilng applications…X
langchain-text-splitters0.0.2LangChain text splitting utilitiesX
langsmith0.1.19Client library to connect to the LangSmith language model tracing and…X
libabseil20230125Abseil Common Libraries (C++)
libdate3.0.1A date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 <chrono> header
libflac1.3.3Flac audio format
liblightgbm4.2.0Light Gradient Boosting Machine that uses tree based learning algorithms
libmamba1.5.7A fast drop-in alternative to conda, using libsolv for dependency resolution
libmambapy1.5.7A fast drop-in alternative to conda, using libsolv for dependency resolution
libnvjitlink12.2.140CUDA nvJitLink library
libopenblas0.3.27An Optimized BLAS library
libopenblas-static0.3.27OpenBLAS static libraries.
libopencv4.8.1Computer vision and machine learning software library.
libortools9.6Google Operations Research Tools (or-tools) python package
libprotobuf3.21.12Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format. C++ Libraries…
libprotobuf-static3.21.12Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format. C++ Libraries…
libsndfile1.0.31libsndfile - a C library for reading and writing files containing…
libtar1.2.20C library for manipulating tar files
libtensorflow2.14.1TensorFlow is a machine learning library, base GPU package, tensorflow only.
libxgboost2.0.3Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting Library
lightgbm4.2.0Light Gradient Boosting Machine that uses tree based learning algorithms
lightgbm-proc4.2.0Light Gradient Boosting Machine that uses tree based learning algorithms
lightning-app2.1.3Use Lightning Apps to build everything from production-ready,…X
lightning-cloud0.5.57Lightning Cloud.X
lightning-fabric2.1.3Use Lightning Apps to build everything from production-ready,…X
lightning-utilities0.10.0Lightning Utilities.X
llvm-openmp14.0.6The OpenMP API supports multi-platform shared-memory parallel…
magma2.6.1Dense linear algebra library similar to LAPACK but for…
mamba1.5.7A fast drop-in alternative to conda, using libsolv for dependency resolution
nasm2.15.05Netwide Assembler: an assembler targetting the Intel x86 series of processors.
nccl2.19.3NVIDIA Collective Communications Library. Implements multi-GPU and…
numactl2.0.16Control NUMA policy for processes or shared memory
objsize0.6.1Traversal over Python's objects subtree and calculate the total…X
onnx1.16.0Open Neural Network Exchange library
onnxconverter-common1.14.0Common utilities for ONNX convertersX
onnxmltools1.12.0ONNXMLTools enables conversion of models to ONNXX
onnxruntime1.16.3cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator
openblas0.3.27An optimized BLAS library
openblas-devel0.3.27OpenBLAS headers and libraries for developing software that used OpenBLAS.
opencensus0.7.13OpenCensus - A stats collection and distributed tracing frameworkX
opencv4.8.1Computer vision and machine learning software library.
opencv-proc4.8.1Computer vision and machine learning software library.
openmpi4.1.5An open source Message Passing Interface implementation.
optional-lite3.4.0A C++17-like optional, a nullable object for C++98, C++11 and later in…
orbit-ml1.1.4.2Orbit is a package for bayesian time series modeling and inference.
orc1.9.0C++ libraries for Apache ORC
ordered-set4.1.0A MutableSet that remembers its order, so that every entry has an index.X
orjson3.9.15orjson is a fast, correct JSON library for Python.
ortools-cpp9.6Google Operations Research Tools (or-tools) python package
ortools-python9.6Google Operations Research Tools (or-tools) python package
packaging23.2Core utilities for Python packagesX
prophet1.1.5Automatic Forecasting Procedure
protobuf4.21.12Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format.
py-opencv4.8.1Computer vision and machine learning software library.
pyarrow15.0.1Python libraries for Apache Arrow
pyink23.10.0Pyink is a python formatter, forked from Black with slightly different behavior.X
pyro-api0.1.2Generic API for dispatch to Pyro backends.X
pyro-ppl1.8.4A Python library for probabilistic modeling and inferenceX
python-flatbuffers23.1.21Python runtime library for use with the Flatbuffers serialization format.X
python-multipart0.0.5A streaming multipart parser for Python.X
pytorch2.1.2Meta-package to install GPU-enabled PyTorch variant
pytorch-base2.1.2PyTorch is an optimized tensor library for deep learning using GPUs and CPUs.
pytorch-cpu2.1.2Meta-package to install CPU-only PyTorch variant
pytorch-lightning2.1.3PyTorch Lightning is the lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML…X
pytorch-lightning-bolts0.7.0Pretrained SOTA Deep Learning models, callbacks and more for research…X
pytorch_geometric2.4.0Geometric Deep Learning Extension Library for PyTorchX
pytorch_scatter2.1.2PyTorch Extension Library of Optimized Scatter Operations
pytorch_sparse0.6.18PyTorch Extension Library of Optimized Autograd Sparse Matrix Operations
ray-air2.9.2Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed…
ray-all2.9.2Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed…
ray-client2.9.2Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed…
ray-core2.9.2Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed…
ray-data2.9.2Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed…
ray-default2.9.2Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed…
ray-rllib2.9.2Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed…
ray-serve2.9.2Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed…
ray-train2.9.2Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed…
ray-tune2.9.2Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed…
rdflib6.1.1RDFLib is a Python library for working with RDF, a simple yet powerful…X
rust1.77.0Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast,…
rust-std-powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu1.77.0Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast,…X
rust_linux-ppc64le1.77.0A safe systems programming language (conda activation scripts)
safeint3.0.26SafeInt is a class library for C++ that manages integer overflows.
safetensors0.4.1Fast and Safe Tensor serialization
scikit-learn1.3.0A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining
sentencepiece0.1.99An unsupervised text tokenizer and detokenizer mainly for Neural…
setuptools-rust1.5.1Setuptools rust extension pluginX
skl2onnx1.16.0Convert scikit-learn models and pipelines to ONNXX
sklearn-pandas2.2.0Pandas integration with sklearnX
stanio0.3.0Preparing inputs to and reading outputs from Stan.X
starlette0.25.0The little ASGI framework that shines.X
starlette-full0.25.0The little ASGI framework that shines.X
starsessions1.3.0Pluggable session support for Starlette.X
tensorboard2.14.0TensorFlow's Visualization Toolkit.X
tensorboard-data-server0.7.0Data server for TensorBoardX
tensorflow2.14.1Meta-package to install GPU-enabled TensorFlow variant
tensorflow-base2.14.1TensorFlow is a machine learning library, base GPU package, tensorflow only.
tensorflow-cpu2.14.1Meta-package to install CPU-only TensorFlow variant
tensorflow-datasets4.9.4A collection of datasets ready to use with TensorFlowX
tensorflow-estimator2.14.0TensorFlow EstimatorX
tensorflow-hub0.15.0A library for transfer learning by reusing parts of TensorFlow models.X
tensorflow-io0.35.0Dataset, streaming, and file system extensions
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem0.35.0Dataset, streaming, and file system extensions
tensorflow-metadata1.14.0Utilities for passing TensorFlow-related metadata between toolsX
tensorflow-model-optimization0.7.5A library that to optimize TensorFlow models for deployment and execution.
tensorflow-probability0.22.1TensorFlow Probability is a library for probabilistic reasoning and…
tensorflow-serving2.14.1TensorFlow Serving is an open-source library for serving machine learning models
tensorflow-serving-api2.14.1TensorFlow Serving is an open-source library for serving machine learning modelsX
tensorflow-text2.14.0TF.Text is a TensorFlow library of text related ops, modules, and subgraphs.
tf2onnx1.15.1Tensorflow to ONNX converter
tiktoken0.6.0tiktoken is a fast BPE tokeniser for use with OpenAI's models
tokenize-rt4.2.1A wrapper around the stdlib tokenize which roundtrips.X
tokenizers0.15.2Fast State-of-the-Art Tokenizers optimized for Research and Production
torchdata0.7.1Common modular data loading primitives for easily constructing flexible…
torchmetrics1.2.1Machine learning metrics for distributed, scalable PyTorch applications.X
torchtext0.16.2Meta-package to install torchtext variant for GPU-enabled pytorch
torchtext-base0.16.2Text utilities and datasets for PyTorch
torchtext-cpu0.16.2Meta-package to install torchtext variant for CPU-only pytorch
torchvision0.16.2Meta-package to install GPU-enabled torchvision variant
torchvision-base0.16.2Image and video datasets and models for torch deep learning
torchvision-cpu0.16.2Meta-package to install CPU-only torchvision variant
transformers4.38.0State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for TensorFlow 2.0 and PyTorchX
tzdata-java-cos7-ppc64le2019c(CDT) OpenJDK Runtime EnvironmentX
uvicorn0.16.0The lightning-fast ASGI server.
uwsgi2.0.25.1The uWSGI project aims at developing a full stack for building hosting…
werkzeug3.0.3The comprehensive WSGI web application library.
xgboost2.0.3Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting Library
xgboost-proc2.0.3Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting Library

With the conda environment activated, run the following command:

conda install <package name>

Uninstalling the Open-CE MLDL frameworks

Find information about uninstalling machine learning and deep learning MLDL frameworks.

The MLDL framework packages can be uninstalled individually, or you can uninstall all of the MLDL packages at the same time.

If the frameworks are installed into a separate conda environment, all of the frameworks can be removed by simply deleting the environment:

conda env remove -n <environment name>

Individual frameworks (and any packages that depend on them) can be removed by removing the individual package:

conda remove <package name>

Important: This command removes the specified packages and any packages that depend on any of the specified packages. If you want to skip this dependency checking and remove just the requested packages, add the –force option. However, this may break your environment, so use this option with caution.

Previous releases

We recommend that you install the most current release of Open-CE, however, if you have an earlier version installed, you can find information below:

Open-CE Release 1.11.0

This is release 1.11.0 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE)

Build Status:

CPU ArchBuild BasePy3.10Py3.11CPU-onlyCUDA 11.8CUDA 12.2Date
ppc64le(P9)UBI 8DONEDONEDONEErrDONE06/07/2024
ppc64le(P10)UBI 9DONEDONEDONEN/AN/A06/11/2024

What’s new

  • Updated packages

    • absl-py 2.0.0
    • apache-beam 2.53.0
    • arrow-cpp[-proc] 15.0.1
    • bazel 6.1.0
    • black 23.10.0
    • cmdstan 2.33.1
    • cmdstanpy 1.2.0
    • cudatoolkit[-dev] 12.2.0
    • cudnn 8.9.6_12.2
    • dali[-tf-plugin] 1.32.0
    • datasets 2.16.1
    • deepspeed 0.11.1
    • fsspec 2023.10.0
    • hatch-fancy-pypi-readme 23.1.0
    • horovod 0.28.1
    • huggingface_hub 0.20.0
    • java-11-openjdk
    • jax 0.4.23
    • joblib 1.3.2
    • jsonpatch 1.33
    • keras 2.14.0
    • langchain 0.1.6
    • langchain-community 0.0.19
    • langchain-core 0.1.22
    • langsmith 0.0.87
    • libnvjitlink 12.2.140
    • lightgbm[-proc] 4.2.0
    • lightning-app 2.1.3
    • lightning-cloud 0.5.57
    • lightning-fabric 2.1.3
    • lightning-utilities 0.10.0
    • mamba 1.5.6
    • nasm 2.15.05
    • nccl 2.19.3
    • onnx 1.15.0
    • onnxmltools 1.12.0
    • onnxruntime 1.16.3
    • openblas[-devel] 0.3.26
    • [py-]opencv[-proc] 4.8.1
    • packaging 23.2
    • prophet 1.1.5
    • pyarrow 15.0.1
    • pyink 23.10.0
    • pytorch[-base|-cpu] 2.1.2
    • pytorch-lighting 2.1.3
    • pytorch_geometric 2.4.0
    • pytorch_scatter 2.1.2
    • pytorch_sparse 0.6.18
    • ray 2.9.2
    • rust 1.77.0
    • rust-std-* 1.71.1
    • scikit-learn 1.3.0
    • sentencepiece 0.1.99
    • skl2onnx 1.16.0
    • sklearn-pandas 2.2.0
    • stanio 0.3.0
    • tensorboard 2.14.0
    • tensorflow 2.14.1
    • tensorflow-datasets 4.9.4
    • tensorflow-estimator 2.14.0
    • tensorflow-hub 0.15.0
    • tensorflow-io[-gcs-filesystem] 0.35.0
    • tensorflow-metadata 1.14.0
    • tensorflow-probability 0.22.1
    • tensorflow-text 2.14.0
    • tf2onnx 1.15.1
    • tiktoken 0.6.0
    • tokenizers 0.15.2
    • torchdata 0.7.1
    • torchmetrics 1.2.1
    • torchtext 0.16.2
    • torchvision 0.16.2
    • transformers 4.36.2
    • uwsgi
    • xgboost 2.0.3
  • This release of Open-CE supports:

    • NVIDIA’s CUDA version 11.8, 12.2
    • Python 3.10, 3.11
  • Important Notes:

Open-CE Release 1.7.2

Release date: 09/29/2022

This is bug fix release 2 of release 1.7

What’s new

  • Various build fixed
  • Updated packages
    • TensorFlow 2.9.2
    • xgboost 1.6.2
    • DALI 1.16.1
    • Ray 1.13.1
    • PyTorch Geometric 2.1.0
    • numba 0.56.1
    • snapml 1.8.10
    • TF Serving 2.9.2

Learn more

Get information about planning, configuring, and managing Open-CE 1.7 Below:


We recommend users use one of the listed operating systems listed below. This is a standard conda repository and can be added to any conda install. Conda must be configured to give priority to installing packages from this channel.

System setup

Open-CE can be installed and run directly on a bare-metal RHEL and Ubuntu based systems.

Supported hardware:

  • IBM Power System IC922 with NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPUs
  • IBM Power System AC922 with NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs
  • IBM Power System S822LC with NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs
  • x86_64 systems with NVIDIA Tesla V100 or P100 GPUs

Supported operating systems:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux for POWER LE 7.8, 8.x
  • Community Enterprise Operating System (CentOS) 7.8, 8.x
  • Ubuntu 20.04.1

Required 3rd party software:

  • NVIDIA GPU driver 440.33 - 520.61
  • CUDA driver 11.2 or 11.4

Installing the Open-CE Repository and Frameworks

Setting up the software repository

The Open-CE MLDL packages are distributed as conda packages in an online conda repository. Conda must be configured to give priority to installing packages from this channel.

Add the Open-CE channel to the conda configuration by running the following command:

conda config --prepend channels

With conda, you can create environments that have different versions of Python or packages installed in them. Conda environments are optional but recommended. If not used, packages are installed in the default environment called base, which often has a higher risk of containing conflicting packages or dependencies. Switching between environments is called activating the environment.

The syntax to create and activate a conda environment is:

conda create --name <environment name> python=<python version> conda activate <environment name>

Note: It is recommended that you specify the Python version when creating a new environment. If you do not specify the version, Python 3.7 is installed when any package that requires Python are installed.

The only valid Python versions with Open-CE are Python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10

For example, to create an environment named opence_env with Python 3.9:

conda create --name opence_env python=3.9 conda activate opence_env

For more information on what you can do with conda environment see

Note: Open-CE should be run as a non-privileged user and not root. The Open-CE components are designed to be usable by normal users, and the pre-installed docker images provide a non-root user by default. Some of the Open-CE components will give warnings or will fail when run as root.

Installing frameworks individually

You can install the MLDL frameworks individually. The framework packages include the following versions.

Table 1. Framework packages (Open-CE 1.7.2)

PackageDescriptionVersionAvailable on ppc64leAvailable on x86_64
boost_mp11Boost MP111.76.0XX
cpp-filesystemCPP Filesystem1.5.8XX
cudatoolkitCuda Toolkit11.4.4XX
cudatoolkit-devCuda Toolkit Dev11.4.4XX
huggingface_hubHuggingface Hub0.6.0XX
jpeg-turboJPEG Turbo2.1.0XX
nlohmann_jsonNlohmann JSON3.10.5XX
onnxmltoolsONNX ML Tools1.11.1XX
optional-liteOptional Lite3.4.0XX
pyTorch-lightning-boltsPyTorch Lightning Bolts0.5.0XX
pytorch-lightningPyTorch Lightning1.6.5XX
pytorch_geometricPyTorch Geometric2.1,0XX
pytorch_scatterPyTorch Scatter2.0.8XX
pytorch_sparsePyTorch Sparse0.6.10XX
pytorchPyTorch for Cuda
pytorchPyTorch for Cuda 11.4, CPU1.12.1XX
ray-tuneRay Tune1.13.1XX
spacy-legacySpacy Legacy3.0.9XX
spacy-loggersSpacy Loggers1.0.2XX
tensorboard-data-serverTensorBoard Data Server0.6.1XX
tensorflow-addonsTensorFlow Addons0.17.0XX
tensorflow-datasetsTensorFlow Datasets4.6.0XX
tensorflow-estimatorsTensorFlow Estimators2.9.0XX
tensorflow-hubTensorFlow Hub0.12.0XX
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystemTensorFlow GCS Filesystem0.26.0XX
tensorflow-metadataTensorFlow MetaData1.8.0XX
tensorflow-model-optimizationsTensorFlow Model Optimizations0.7.3XX
tensorflow-probabilityTensorFlow Probability0.17.0XX
tensorflow-textTensorFlow Text2.9.0XX
torchtext-baseTorchText for CUDA
torchtext-baseTorchText for CUDA 11.4, CPU0.13.1XX
torchvision-baseTorchVision for CUDA
torchvision-baseTorchVision for CUDA 11.4, CPU0.11.3XX
yaml-cppYAML CPP0.6.3XX

With the conda environment activated, run the following command:

conda install <package name>

Uninstalling the MLDL frameworks:

Find information about uninstalling machine learning and deep learning MLDL frameworks.

The MLDL framework packages can be uninstalled individually, or you can uninstall all of the MLDL packages at the same time.

If the frameworks are installed into a separate conda environment, all of the frameworks can be removed by simply deleting the environment:

conda env remove -n <environment name>

Individual frameworks (and any packages that depend on them) can be removed by removing the individual package:

conda remove <package name>

Important: This command removes the specified packages and any packages that depend on any of the specified packages. If you want to skip this dependency checking and remove just the requested packages, add the –force option. However, this may break your environment, so use this option with caution.

Open-CE Release 1.9.3

Release date: 12/20/2023

This is bug fix release 3 of release 1.9. No other additions have been made since 1.9.1.

What’s new

  • Various bugs fixed

  • Updated packages

    • xgboost 1.7.6
    • DALI 1.26
    • mamba 1.4.2
    • Onnxruntime 1.15.1
    • Pytorch 2.0.1
    • Ray 2.5.0
    • Tensorboard 2.12.2
    • Tensorflow-addons 0.19.0
    • Tensorflow Serving 2.12.1
    • Apache-beam 2.48.0
  • This release of Open-CE supports:

    • NVIDIA’s CUDA version 11.8
    • Python 3.9 and 3.10
  • All the packages are built with openssl 1.*.

Open-CE Release 1.6.1

Release date: 05/19/2022

This is bug fix release 1 of release 1.6

What’s new

  • Various build fixed
  • Updated packages
    • pytorch-lightning 1.6.3
    • pyDeprecate 0.3.2
    • torchmetrics 0.8.2
    • tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.25.0
    • ray 1.11.1

Open-CE Release 1.5.1

Release date: 01/11/2021

This is bug fix release 1 of release 1.5

What’s new

Key changes include:

Refresh PyTorch to v1.10.1 remove py36 blocks and dataclasses from all recipes Update DALI to 1.9 (from 1.9-dev) Update tensorflow metadata to 1.5.0 Enable uwsgi for python version 3.9

Open-CE Release 1.5.0

Release date: 12/08/2021

What’s new

This is release 1.5.0 of the Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), codenamed Otter

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA’s CUDA versions 10.2,11.2 as well as Python 3.7,3.8,3.9.

Open-CE Release 1.4.1

Release date: 10/10/2021

What’s new

This is bug fix 1 of release 1.4 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE). Main updates are:

  • TensorFlow is now at 2.6.2
  • PyTorch is now at 1.9.1
  • The DALI recipe now builds on both x86 and ppc.
  • Bug Fix Changes
  • Changes For open-ce
  • Release updates for 1.4.1 (#545)
  • Use updated uwsgi 2.0.20 from conda-forge (#544)
  • Pin updates for 1.4.1 (#540)
  • Update OpenCV to v3.4.16 (#open-ce/opencv-feedstock#27)
  • Update Tensorflow Probability to v0.14.1 (#open-ce/tensorflow-probability-feedstock#19)
  • Update pytorch-lightning to 1.4.9 and torchmetrics to v0.5.1 (#open-ce/pytorch-lightning-feedstock#24)

For a complete list of changes also see the 1.4.0 release.

Open-CE Release 1.3.1

Release date: 08/26/2021

What’s new

This is bug fix 1 of release 1.3 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), code named Chipmunk. Bug Fix Changes

  • Fix uwsgi build #470 #474
  • Adjust h5py pins for py39 #473 #482
  • enable open-cv build directly in opence-env.yaml #477
  • Move feedstock patches directory into /envs #484
  • Update OpenBLAS to 0.3.13 #479
  • Add pin for ICU #493
  • adjust build resources for TensorFlow builds open-ce/tensorflow-feedstock#58 open-ce/tensorflow-feedstock#59
  • TensorFlow: update to 2.5.1 open-ce/tensorflow-feedstock#61
  • Pytorch: use TBB for CPU and OpenMP for GPU open-ce/pytorch-feedstock#68
  • Horovod: use system compilers when using system MPI open-ce/horovod-feedstock#28
  • LightGBM: use system compilers when using system MPI open-ce/LightGBM-feedstock#21
  • OpenCV: disable LAPACK temporarily open-ce/opencv-feedstock#19

For a complete list of changes also see the 1.3.0 release.

Open-CE Release 1.2.2

Release date: 06/16/2021

What’s new

This is release 1.2.2 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

This is bug fix 2 of release 1.2 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), code named Prairiedog.

Bug Fix Changes

  • libgcc and libstdc++ were pinned to cos6 versions to allow for compilation with GCC 7.2/7.3 #433
  • TensorFlow was updated to version 2.4.2
  • Dependency pins were loosened for networkx, requests, scipy and werkzeug #439
  • Changed PyArrow to build with -O2 optimizations to avoid a compiler error in GCC 7.x
  • Add patch to PyArrow to fix handling of decimal types with negative scale in C data import

Previously, the Open-CE build tools were part of the Open-CE repository. They can now be found in their own repo.

A release of Open-CE now only includes:

  • The Open-CE env files used to generate a conda channel containing all of the packages that are part of an Open-CE release.
  • A collection of feedstocks containing conda recipes for building the packages that are part of an Open-CE release.

New Features

  • PyArrow is now included as part of Open-CE.
  • The protobuf version that all Open-CE packages use is now set to 3.11.2.
  • TensorFlow serving was removed, due to its incompatibility with protobuf 3.11.2

Bug Fix Changes

  • The conda hash string has been removed from the name of all noarch packages.
  • The version of sqlite that TensorFlow uses is now explicitly set 38 39.

Open-CE is distributed as prebuilt containers, or on demand through the Conda provisioning process.

  • All of the Conda packages are available in a Open-CE Conda channel
  • Conda packages are available in the Open-CE 1.2.0 Conda channel
  • There is no install package to download, instead connect to the Conda channel and install your packages from there
  • Package dependencies are automatically resolved
  • Delivery of packages is open and continuous
  • Enable Python versions 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
  • You can run more than one framework at the same time in the same environment. For example, you can run TensorFlow and PyTorch at the same time.

Open-CE Release 1.2.0

Release date: 04/16/2021

What’s new

This is release 1.2 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), code named Prairiedog.

Previously, the Open-CE build tools were part of the Open-CE repository. They can now be found in their own repo.

A release of Open-CE now only includes:

  • The Open-CE env files used to generate a conda channel containing all of the packages that are part of an Open-CE release.
  • A collection of feedstocks containing conda recipes for building the packages that are part of an Open-CE release.

New Features

  • PyArrow is now included as part of Open-CE.
  • The protobuf version that all Open-CE packages use is now set to 3.11.2.
  • TensorFlow serving was removed, due to its incompatibility with protobuf 3.11.2

Bug Fix Changes

  • The conda hash string has been removed from the name of all noarch packages.
  • The version of sqlite that TensorFlow uses is now explicitly set 38 39.

Open-CE is distributed as prebuilt containers, or on demand through the Conda provisioning process.

  • All of the Conda packages are available in a Open-CE Conda channel
  • Conda packages are available in the Open-CE 1.2.0 Conda channel
  • There is no install package to download, instead connect to the Conda channel and install your packages from there
  • Package dependencies are automatically resolved
  • Delivery of packages is open and continuous
  • Enable Python versions 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
  • You can run more than one framework at the same time in the same environment. For example, you can run TensorFlow and PyTorch at the same time.

Open-CE Release 1.1.1

Release date: 01/12/2021

What’s new

This is release 1.1 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), code named Meerkat.

  • Added support for CUDA 11.0, which is currently supported on RHEL8.
  • Added recipes for the following new packages: LightGBM, TensorFlow Model Optimization, TensorFlow Addons, PyTorch Lightning Bolts, Python Flatbuffers.
  • Added the open-ce tool for running build and validate commands. This replaces the previously existing and entry points to Open-CE.
  • Added the open-ce test commands to test packages that are built by Open-CE. open-ce build env will now output conda environment files that can be used to create conda environments containing the packages that were just built.
  • The open-ce build image command has been added to create Docker images from the output of open-ce build env.
  • Open-CE build tools can now accept –cuda_versions as an argument to choose a version of CUDA to build with.
  • open-ce build env will now check for circular dependencies between packages.
  • open-ce build env will verify that all packages that are being built can be installed within the same conda environment before starting a build.
  • Added the –skip_build_packages argument to open-ce build env.
  • Jinja can now be used within any Open-CE configuration file.
  • Improved performance when attempting to build packages that already exist.
  • Added the patches key to the Open-CE environment files to allow for patching feedstocks.

Open-CE Release 1.0.0

Release date: 11/10/2020

What’s new

Open-CE 1.0 is the current release of Open-CE and includes the following features:

  • conda packages are now available on ppc64le.
  • conda packages are now available on x86.
  • TensorFlow 2.3.1
  • PyTorch 1.6.0
  • Open-CE is distributed as prebuilt containers, or on demand through the Conda provisioning process.
    • All of the Conda packages are available in a Open-CE Conda channel
    • Conda packages are available in the Open-CE 1.0.0 Conda channel
    • There is no install package to download, instead connect to the Conda channel and install your packages from there
    • Package dependencies are automatically resolved
    • Delivery of packages is open and continuous
    • Enable Python versions 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
    • You can run more than one framework at the same time in the same environment. For example, you can run TensorFlow and PyTorch at the same time.