This course was originally created by Lance Albertson and Jeff Sheltren in 2009 who both worked at the Oregon State University Open Source Lab. Lance is currently the Director, and Jeff was the Operations Manager at the time. Both Lance and Jeff have backgrounds in computer science and system administration. The course was revived in 2015 and 2016 by Lance Albertson and Jordan Evans with more focus on newer technologies and methodologies.
What is this Course?
This is CS312 - Linux System Administration, offered at Oregon State University. The current plan is to offer this course once per year when OSL staff has time. Students in the course are expected to have at least a basic knowledge of UNIX/Linux operating systems. OSU students need to complete CS311 (Operating Systems) before they can enroll in this course. Exceptions can be made for students who can prove a strong knowledge of Linux. For more information, please consult the course catalog and course website.
Can I Re-Use/Re-Distribute Course Content?
Absolutely! We hope that other people will find this course content useful, and so we have made it available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License. Certain resources used are licensed under different licenses, please check the LICENSES file and/or the individual documents for details. If you do re-use all or parts of the course materials, we would love to hear about it - please email to let us know.
Why Use a Non-free Book?
The book we suggest to accompany the course is UNIX System Administration Handbook, 4th Edition by Evi Nemeth et al. This is an easy to read book that covers a wide range of topics that every system administrator should understand. Ideally, we would like to create a freely distributable book or set of documents that would cover similar topics as the book however at the time we didn’t see any that covered the topics we were looking for. If you have ideas or suggestions, please email and we will consider them for the next revision of the course.
Downloading the Course
You are free to download the course materials here: